Most people aren’t big fans of winter but it gets a whole lot nicer when you can curl up with a nice hot steaming bowl of creamy tomato soup. I’m not talking about the kind that comes out of a can.

Using simple ingredients that you probably have in your cupboard right now you can build layers of flavour. Starting with classic onions and garlic and working your way up to parmesan cheese. The best part is that this creamy tomato soup uses canned tomatoes. You read that correctly. Be sure to purchase some high quality tomatoes since they are the base of your flavour.

Yes, that’s right I found a way to add cheese to tomato soup. Parmesan cheese has a nice rich flavour that adds a bit of saltiness to perfectly balance the soup. Not to mention if you still want more cheese then you can also make a fresh grilled cheese sandwich for the side. Dip away to your heart’s content.

Creamy tomato soup doesn’t have to include any dairy though and it can still be creamy and smooth. Just remove the parmesan and you are good to go. Cream drizzled on the top of the soup is completely optional.

Creamy Tomato Soup

Creamy Tomato Soup Recipe Ingredients and Substitutes

  • Unsalted butter: Salted butter works fine too, just add a little less salt to the soup. Extra virgin olive oil may be substituted for a healthier alternative. Vegan butter will also work in place of dairy butter.
  • Yellow onions: We use a fair amount here but their flavour is toned down some slightly since they are slightly caramelized. Red onions could be substituted.
  • Garlic: Fresh is preferred but pre-chopped bottled garlic is a second best option.
  • All-purpose flour: This is used to thicken the soup. If needed you could try a gluten free flour blend without xanthun gum or cornstarch.
  • Chicken broth: Vegetable broth works well too. I like to use low-sodium to have more control over added salt.
  • Canned San Marzano tomatoes: The ultimate canned tomatoes! I know these can be pricey so for an alternative try canned plum/Roma tomatoes.
  • Fresh basil: This is truly a highlight of this soup. No substitutes here.
  • Parmesan rind: You’ll love the hidden flavour this adds. Parmesan rinds are my favourite for soup. If you don’t happen to have one then just finish the soup with fresh grated parmesan.
  • Granulated sugar: I’ve also used honey here instead. The idea is just to balance any tartness with a hint of sweetness. You can even omit or adjust to taste as preferred.
  • Salt and pepper: Add to taste.
  • Heavy cream: Completely optional based on whether or not you’re looking for a literal creamy tomato soup or just the classic. You really don’t need much about 1 Tbsp per serving goes a long way. Half and half is also a great option.

Tips & Tricks

Blending: The long that you are able to blend your soup with determine how smooth in texture the final outcome is. You can use a food processor, a blender or a hand held immersion blender like I did.

Simmering: The more time you can spend simmering the soup the more flavour will develop. It will still taste great if you only simmer for 20 minutes but extra time adds more depth in flavours.

Dietary Restrictions

Vegan & Dairy Free: This delicious tomato soup is easy to make vegan or dairy free. Simply don’t add the parmesan rinds, and the heavy cream, and swap the butter for a vegan butter substitute.

Gluten Free: Flour is used for thickening but replacing it with zanthum gum works just as well. While croutons are a great topper for tomato soup make sure that you pick gluten free ones or make some your self with gluten free bread. I like to cut up my bread and sprinkle it with olive oil, salt & pepper. Toss them in the oven for a few minutes to bake. Broil for a minute or two as well to get a very crispy exterior.

Creamy Tomato Soup

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Recipe by Nicole Quiring Course: Dinner, Quick Recipes, LunchCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Easy
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Creamy tomato soup that will warm you up on any cold day. Super smooth and rich in flavour. It’s the perfect soup all by itself or paired with a melty grilled cheese.


  • ⅓ cup Butter

  • 3 Medium Onions (diced)

  • 6 Cloves Garlic

  • ⅓ cup Flour

  • 4 cups Chicken Broth

  • 2 Cans Whole Tomatoes

  • 2 Sprigs Basil

  • 2 tsp Sugar or Preferred Sweetener

  • 1 Parmesan Rind

  • Salt & Pepper to Taste

  • 1 tsp Italian Seasoning


  • Melt butter in a large pot over medium-high heat. Add onion and saute until slighlty browned and caramelized, about 10 minutes.
  • Reduce heat to medium, add garlic and saute 30 seconds. Add flour and cook, stirring constantly, 1 minute.
  • While whisking slowly pour in chicken broth. Cook and whisk until flour has blended in, about 1 minute.
  • Add in tomatoes, basil, parmesan, sugar, Italian seasoning and season with salt and pepper to taste. Bring to a light simmer.
  • Reduce heat to low, cover, and let simmer, stirring occasionally (Scrape along the bottom of the pot when stirring). Cook for about 25 – 30 minutes until tomatoes start to break down.
  • Remove from heat. Remove basil sprigs and parmesan rind from soup then use an immersion blender to puree soup until smooth
  • Serve warm topping servings with a swirl of cream if desired and chopped basil.


  • If you have a 6’3 husband like me this will make more like 4 servings.

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